Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Today is the last day of school before the Thanksgiving break. It was a no uniform day. If the girls had their way they would have dress like it was July. We managed to get them in long pants and long sleeve shirts.Of course they complained it was cold.

The twins had speech today. The teacher was a no show. A day wasted at home. We could have been out and about.

Tomorrow we will all be home. I am hoping and praying for everyone to sleep in late. I use to say I wish I could get put in a drug induced coma for a week. I have stopped since that is how Micheal Jackson died.

I need to go, the twins have just climbed the counter to get to the CC cookies. Never a dull momment.

Monday, November 23, 2009


It must have been Dad takes their kids to get haircut day. Kids Cut was filled with Dads. Lots of Dads. The Twins got their haircut today. It was a easy trip. No tears or fits. The other Dad's were not as lucky. Thank God for Barney, yes the purple dinosaur. Who would ever thought those words would come out of my mouth.

I just got off the phone with my sister. She wants to get all of the grand kids together for a family photo for Christmas. That would be thirty kids ranging from infant to 30+. Sears photo studios will never be the same again.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

FIrst time

Here we go! This is my first time posting a blog. Please be kind. I am a lousy speller and a user of the English Language. I hope to improve with time. Most of this blog will focus on my four daughters. This may better explain the title of the blog. I will be sharing the ups and downs of being one of the growing numbers of stay at home dads. Not only am I a stay at home Dad, I work at nights from home. I have been Married for 11 years. Janell is the glue that holds us together.